About Us

Who We Are

Rural Access & Agricultural Marketing Project

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has initiated the Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project (RAAMP), succeeding the Second Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP-2). Supported by the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD), RAAMP is guided by the Government’s Rural Travel and Transport Policy (RTTP).

The Federal Department of Rural Development (FDRD) under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) leads the project. The Federal Project Management Unit (FPMU) oversees RAAMP, with implementation by the respective state governments of nineteen (19) participating states, including Akwa Ibom State.

RAAMP aims to improve rural access and agricultural marketing in selected states, while enhancing the sustainability of the rural and state road networks. The project’s principal goal, as outlined in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM), is to improve the livelihoods of smallholding farmers and micro agro-processors by providing rural access and transportation systems.

These systems facilitate the delivery of agricultural inputs, services, and technology to increase productivity and production. Additionally, RAAMP supports agro-logistics interventions to reduce post-harvest losses, increase prices for agricultural and livestock products through value addition, and generate youth employment, thereby reducing poverty and providing Job opportunities.


Vision, Mission, and Values


Our Vision

To realize increased incomes for primary agricultural producers; stem rural-urban drift; and accomplish sustainable structures to guarantee enhanced livelihoods for our rural people, through good access roads and agro-logistics indices.


Our Mission

To ensure the provision, maintenance and sustainability of rural roads, agro-logistics and other socio-economic enhancements for better living at the grassroots.

Our core value

RAAMP is dedicated to improving rural access and agricultural marketing, enhancing livelihoods through sustainable infrastructure, innovation, and community engagement.

RAAMP Objectives

The project objective is to improve rural access and agricultural marketing in Akwa Ibom State and other participating states, whilst strengthening the financing and institutional base for effective development, maintenance and management of the rural road network.

Improve Rural Road Networks

Provision of rural access and transportation system that will facilitate the delivery of agricultural inputs and products.

Support agricultural marketing & logistics interventions

Strengthen the financing and institutional base for rural and state road networks, and support agro-logistics interventions to reduce post-harvest losses.

Strengthening Financial Base

Adopt better technology to scale up rural agricultural production, add value to increase prices of produce, generate youth employment, and reduce poverty and joblessness by enhancing productivity and production.


To construct 500 kilometers of rural roads; 6 agro-logistics centers and cross drainage structures across Akwa Ibom State